Goal Setting is here!

If you’ve been through our 1 on 1 OnRamp, Nourishment, or Individual Design programs, then you know one of the major points of discussion is goal setting. 

Why is this? Why bother taking time in these meetings to determine your goals? Wouldn’t it be easier to just assume everyone is here for the same reason: to get fit?

The short answer is yes, that would be the easy route. But remember, we aren’t a Globo gym. We aren’t looking to get you signed up on an auto deduction and keep our fingers crossed you forget and never come back. We actually want you in the gym, we want you to use our services, and most of all, we want you to succeed. 

Succeed at what? Improving your health and fitness? Sure, but we already know that’s going to happen. We want you to succeed at YOUR goals; not the ones we think you want. 

Your goals, much like your journey in health and fitness, are unique to you. While many of you probably share similar goals, your reasons for hitting these goals are specific to you. The clearer we can help you define these goals and your reasons for wanting to achieve them, the more success you are going to have. The more success you have, the more satisfaction you will find in the process that leads to achieving them. And the more satisfaction you feel, the more committed you will be to your health and fitness moving forward.

How do we help you define your goals? By sitting down with each of you, 1 on 1, and asking! This is a Goal Setting session. The definition comes in the questions that follow. We don’t just want to know what your goal is; we want to make sure it is S.M.A.R.T. 

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely. 

Specific: “Stronger Upper Body.” What does this mean? Get a Pull Up. What kind? “Strict, prone grip.”

Measurable: How many Pull Ups? “One.”

Attainable: Is this possible given where you are at currently? For instance, if Ring Rows are difficult, then double digit strict Pull Ups are not likely. But your first Pull Up, definitely! 

Relevant: Why? “Because I want to be in better shape for hiking.” Probably not great carryover. But if it is to be able to “pull myself up while scrambling on a hike,” now we have proper correlation. 

Timely: When? “In a few months.” Let’s pick out an exact day. “June 1st.”

End result: “I want to do my first Strict Pull Up to improve my upper body strength for scrambling by June of this year.”

Now we have a clear picture in our mind—something that will help drive us when putting in the work, because putting in the work is hard and sometimes monotonous. But if we know where this process leads, we are much more likely to stay engaged. Without this clarity it would be like being told to go to the library to study for a test...with no subject and no timeline. We would get lost in the process and inevitably burn out!

We want to meet with each of you. We believe in this process so much that we are actually looking to hire another coach just to ensure we have the time available amongst us to make this happen. We want to meet with each member on a quarterly basis to complete a Goal Setting Session. 

We have already completed some of these sessions during a soft roll-out. So don’t take our word for it; have a look at what Goal Setting has done for Eric Hooper. http://www.townathletics.com/blog/2020/1/7/thepowerofgoalsetting

Then take a look at previous posts where I discuss the merits of what staying dedicated to a process and a Goal can lead to. 



The next step is to talk to your coach and set up a meeting! 

Austin KeminkComment