Pull Up/Midline/Dip/MU Program



Pass: 3 reps at BW 3010

Preferred: Weighted BW + 33%/20% 3010

Pull Ups:

Pass: 5/3 reps BW strict

Preferred: Weighted BW + 33%/20%

Ring Row:

Pass: 8 OTM for 5:00

Preferred: 12 OTM for 5:00


Pass: Sorensen 2:00, Side Bridge/Plank :90, Leg Lower, Tabata Sit Up 12/round

Preferred: 15 KTE (Knees to Elbows) Strict

Muscle Up:

Pass: Complete a MU

Preferred: Complete a strict MU

Note: All movements include 4 corresponding tempo numbers.

- Explanation: 5342 ~ the first number, 5 in this case, is the eccentric or lowering number. This

means you will take :05 to descend in the movement. The second number, 3, is the bottom

position. This means you would hold for :03 at the bottom of the movement. The third number,

4, is the concentric or flexing number. This means you would take :04 to extend back to the

beginning of the movement. The fourth number, 2, is the static or start position. This means youwould hold the starting position for :02. A = Assisted, X = Explode. 

*It is very important that you make sure that you are being honest about the time you are

holding and how controlled your descent/positions are. This means use a clock.

Do this 3x per week, with at least a day of rest in between, and add an additional set every

week or two depending on how confident you are in your completion of the reps. = All reps are

controlled in good positions.

*If one of the steps seems easy to you then chances are you can move to the next or you

misinterpreted it. Do not move on until you can complete all the sets and reps as described in

the previous step with perfect movement. When in doubt ask a coach!

Also if you already have the pulling movements and want to solidify your technique and

strength, adding a 10-20# weight vest and starting at Step 1 is a proven strategy.

Remember these are building blocks.

Step 1:

Pull Up: Find a box that allows you to get your chin over the bar at the top of a pull up, step off

the box and hold this position (top of your pull up, elbows pulling down towards sides,

shoulder blades retracted, hollow body) for 3 full seconds. Descend all the way to the bottom

in a controlled manner working on keeping your arms externally rotated (elbows pulling down

towards sides, shoulder blades retracted, thumbs twisting into the bar, hollow body) 21A3.

Start with 2 sets of 2 reps with at least 60 seconds of rest (2:00 is preferable) in between sets.

If you are completing these sets with your chin solidly over the bar, add a set until you reach


Ring Rows: Set a box up so that when you are hanging from the rings, your feet are above

your head, putting your body in a slight decline. Measure the distance the rings are from the

ground and make sure to utilize this height every time you complete ring rows. The box may be

set on 20”/24” depending on how long your arms are.

Row the rings from a prone to neutral grip to your rib cage, hold this top position for :03 (hands

touching your ribs), descend back to the beginning in a controlled manner in :02. 21A3

Start with 2 sets of 2 reps with at least 60 seconds of rest (2:00 is preferable) in between sets.

If you are completing these sets with the rings solidly touching your chest, add a set until you

reach 10x2.

Dips: Set your rings up at a height from which you will be able to jump up to the support

position. (Support position = the top of the dip, elbows extended, thumbs turned out, feet

together, toes pointed, body hollow). Starting at the top of the dip in a perfect hollow position,

hold for :02 (thumbs turned out, arms in contact with your sides, hollow body, feet together

toes pointed) lower yourself under control to the bottom of your dip, taking :03 in the decent.

Spend :02 at the very bottom of your dip in the same body position. 32A2

Start with 2 sets of 2 reps with at least 60 seconds of rest (2:00 is preferable) in between sets.

If you are completing these sets with your positions strong and stable throughout, add a set

until you reach 10x2.



Start laying on your back with your legs in the air at a 90 degree angle to the floor. Lower your

feet to the floor, taking care to ensure your lower back is pressed firmly into the floor :03. Once

your lower back starts to come off the ground, stop and hold for :02. Preference here is feet 1”

off the floor with lower back still in contact. 32X1

Start with 1 set of 5 reps working towards 5x5.


GHD Back Extension. Set up the GHD so that your hips are on top of the pad. Beginning at

Parallel, curl one vertebrae at a time until your back is rounded around the pad, taking a full :03

to reach the bottom. Reverse the motion to come back up :03. 3131

Then (+)

GHD Hip Extension. Set up the GHD so that your hips are just off of the pad, body parallel to

the ground. Descend with your back flat, taking :03 to reach the bottom. Flex through your

posterior (hamstrings and erectors) back to the beginning. 31X1

Start with 2 sets of 2 reps with at least 60 seconds of rest (2:00 is preferable) in between sets.

If you are completing these sets under control, add a set until you reach 10x2.

TUT: By the end of Step 1, you should be up to 10 sets of 2 reps. = 60 sec TUT over the bar/

rings, 2:20 TUT rings, 2:40 Back Ext, :60 Hip ext, 2:05 abs. 

Step 2: After reaching 10x2 of step 1, then...

Pull Up: Same set-up as Step 1.

Hold at the top for 10 full seconds holding chin over the bar, then control your descent for :02 ~

3x1 21A10

- Add 1 set as capable of completion, working towards 6x1

Then (+)

2 sec hold at the top/2 sec hold halfway down/2 sec hold retracted shoulder blades at bottom

~ 3x3 22A2

- Add 1 set as capable of completion, working towards 6x3

At least 1:00 rest between all sets

Ring Rows: Same set-up rules apply from Step 1. Row the rings from a prone to neutral grip to

your rib cage (or start at the top), hold this top position for :10, descend back to the beginning

in a controlled manner :02.

~ 3x1 21A10

- Add 1 set as capable of completion, working towards 6x1

Then (+)

2 sec hold at the top of the row, rings in contact with ribs/2 sec hold halfway down/2 sec hold

retracted shoulder blades at bottom ~ 3x3 22A2

- Add 1 set as capable of completion, working towards 6x3

At least 1:00 rest between all sets

Dips: Same set-up rules apply from Step 1. Jump to the support position, hold this top

position for :03, descend and hold halfway down your dip for :03/descend all of the way to the

bottom of your dip and hold this position for :03. 3x3 33A3

- Add 1 set as capable of completion, working towards 6x3

At least 1:00 rest between all sets

Then (+)

Top of Push Up Hold (the idea here is to be hyper hollow, shoulder blades pulled apart, back

arched, feet together, toes pointed) :10, descend to bottom of push up 1” from the ground and

hold :10 (maintain a hollow body position, keep forearms perpendicular to the ground, hands

squared) 2x2 310X10

- Rest :20 between reps and at least :60 between sets.

- Add 1 set as capable of completion, working towards 6x2



Start laying on your back with your legs in the air at a 90 degree angle. Lower you feet to the

floor with your lower back pressed firmly into the floor to as low a point as possible :05. Hold

the lowest position you can reach, ensuring your back is still in contact with the floor, and hold

for :03. Preference here is feet 1” off the floor with lower back still in contact. 53X1

- Start with 2x6 and work towards 4x6.

Then (+)

Start hanging from the bar with your knees as high as possible towards your elbows (kip if

necessary to get them there). Descend the bottom over :03, extending your legs into a hollow

position when you reach the very bottom, flexing into a hollow hold. 32X1

- Start with 2x6 and work towards 4x6.


GHD Back Extension, Weighted. Set up the GHD so that your hips are on top of the pad. Hold

a weight (plate or dumbbell) at your sternum. Beginning at Parallel, curl one vertebrae at a time 

until your back is rounded around the pad, taking a full :03 to extend. Reverse the motion to

come back up :03. 3131

Then (+)

GHD Hip Extension, Weighted. Set up the GHD so that your hips are just off of the pad.

Descend with your back flat, taking :03 to reach the bottom. Flex through your posterior back

to the beginning. 31X1

Start with 2 sets of 2 reps with at least 60 seconds of rest (2:00 is preferable) in between sets.

If you are completing these sets under control, add a set until you reach 10x2.

TUT: Pull Ups from beginning to completion ~ 3x1 (:36) 6x1 (1:12) and 3x3 (:54) 6x3 (1:28) ~


Ring Rows from beginning to completion ~ 3x1 (:36) 6x1 (1:12) and 3x3 (:54) 6x3 (1:28) ~ 2:52

Dips from beginning to completion ~ 3x3 (1:21) 6x3 (2:42), 2x2 (1:32) 4x2 (3:04) ~ 5:48

Abs from beginning to completion ~ 2x6 (1:36) 2x6 (1:00), 4x6 (3:12) 4x6 (2:00) ~ 5:12

*same rules from Step 1 apply ~ position and confidence

Step 3: After reaching the max sets/reps/time from step 2, then...

Pull Up: Same set-up as Step 1.

2 sec hold over the bar then :10 descent as evenly as you can 10XA2

~ The goal is to control the descent throughout the movement 1x3

- Add 1 set as capable of completion working towards 6x3

Then (+)

Pendlay row with a 45# plate 31X3

~ 3x10

- Work up in weight as capable of completing with confidence

At least 1:00 between all sets

Ring Rows: Same set-up rules apply from Step 1.

Row the rings from a prone to a neutral grip to your rib cage. Hold this top position for :02,

then take :10 on descent as evenly as you can 10XA2

~ The goal is to control the descent throughout the movement 1x3

- Add 1 set as capable of completion, working towards 6x3

Then (+)

Bent over DB row starting at (50/35) 31X1

~ 3x10 This is a single arm movement. The knee and hand opposite of the DB should be on a

box so that your back is parallel to the ground.

- Add weight as capable of completion with perfect technique. You will continue this until

complete with the ring rows from above.

At least 1:00 rest between all sets

Dips: Same set-up rules apply from Step 1.

Jump to the support position, hold this top position for :02, then :10 descent as evenly as you

can 10XA2

~ The goal is to control the descent throughout the movement 1x3

- Add 1 set as capable of completion, working towards 6x3

At least 1:00 rest between all sets

Then (+)

Top of Push Up Hold + Alligator Press (the idea here is to be hyper hollow, shoulder blades

pulled apart, back arched, feet together, toes pointed) :05, descend to bottom of push up 1”

from the ground and hold :05 (maintain a hollow body position, keep forearms perpendicular to

the ground, hands squared), shift back onto your forearms (keeping them tight to your sides)

and hold :05, shift back and press up to the start (:03). 51035

- 2x2 rest :20 between reps and at least :60 between sets.

- Add 1 set as capable of completion working towards 6x2



Hollow Rock holding a PVC OH :10 on :20 off x8

~ Rx is keeping your lower back in contact with the ground and rocking the entire time

- Add :02 to the rock and deduct :02 to the rest as capable of completion, working towards :20

on :10 off

Then (+)

Start hanging from the bar, kip your knees up to your tricep/elbow and hold for :03, descend

the bottom over :02, extending your legs into a hollow position when you reach the very

bottom, flexing into a hollow hold. 21X3 1x3

- Add 1 set as capable of completion, working towards 4x3. 


Arch Rock holding a PVC OH :10 on :20 off x8

~ Rx is keeping your abs in contact with the ground and rocking the entire time

- add :02 to the rock and deduct :02 to the rest as capable of completion working towards :20

on :10 off

Then (+)

GHD Hip Extension + GH Raise. Set up the GHD so that your hips are just off of the pad.

Descend with your back flat taking :03 to reach the bottom. Explosively flex through your

posterior to pass through parallel, pulling with your hamstrings, until your body is perpendicular

to the ground. 31X1 2x10

~ Rx is to keep your body in a straight line from your knee crease to your shoulders, we don't

want the hips leading this movement.

- add 1 set as capable of completion working towards 4x10

TUT: Pull Ups from beginning to completion ~ 3x1 (:36) 6x3 (3:36) and 3x10 (3:30) ~ 6:36

Ring Rows from beginning to completion ~ 3x1 (:36) 6x3 (3:36) and 3x10 (2:30) ~ 5:36

Dips from beginning to completion ~ 3x1 (:36) 6x3 (3:36) and 2x2 (1:32) 4x2 (3:04) ~ 6:40

Abs from beginning to completion ~ 1x8 (1:20) 1x8 (2:40), 1x3 (:54) 4x3 (3:36) ~ 6:16

*same rules from Step 1 apply ~ position and confidence

Step 4: After reaching the max sets/reps in step 4, then...

Pull Up: Jumping pull-ups. Jump to the bar, maintaining a hollow position, and pull until chin is

over the bar and hold for :01. Come back down over :02, release the bar and repeat. 2X22

~ The goal is to keep the concentric (pull up) portion smooth 4x4

- Add 1 set and rep as capable of completion, working towards 6x6

Then (+)

Banded Barbell rows. Set up a barbell on a rack to hang off of with your feet elevated on a box.

Set the barbell high enough that your back is off of the ground when hanging with your arms

extended. Set up the box so that your feet are slightly above your head when hanging with

arms extended. Place a band from one hand around your back to the other. 21X1

~ Pick a band that will allow you to row from an arms extended position until your chest

touches the bar while maintaining a hollow position. 3x5.

- Add 1 set as capable of completion, working towards 6x5

Rest at least 1:00 between sets

*same rules from Step 1 apply ~ position and confidence

Ring Rows: Same set-up rules apply from Step 1.

Row the rings in a FALSE grip from prone to neutral to your rib cage, EMOM 10:00 for 5 reps.


~ The goal is to maintain the false grip and go from a prone position at the bottom to a neutral

grip at the ribs.

- Add 1 rep as capable of completion, working towards 10x10.

Then (+)

PVC banded supine grip row starting at 21X2

~ Girth hitch a band around a squat rack and loop the other end around a PVC. Place your

hands in a supine position and row the PVC to your sternum with your elbows tight to your

sides. Pick a band that allows 3x10.

- Add a thicker band as capable of completion. You will continue this until complete with the

EMOM above.

Rest at least 1:00 rest between all sets

Dips: Same set-up rules apply from Step 1.

Complete 1 strict ring dip EMOM for 10:00. 11X1

~ The goal is to maintain a hollow position throughout the movement, feet together, toes

pointed, and elbows tight to your sides.

- Add 1 rep as capable of completion, working towards 3 OTM for 10:00.

Then (+)

Bottom up KB hollow hold press. (Lay on a bench in a hollow position, holding the KB by the

handle with the bottom up, elbows in tight to the torso and forearms perpendicular to the floor,

then press) 31X1

- 3x10 start at (12/8) and work up in weight as capable of completion. You will continue this

until completion of the EMOM above.



Complete 1 Strict TTB EMOM for 10:00. 11X1

~ The goal here is to keep your movement as strict as possible with your feet together and toes

pointed from beginning to end.

- Add 1 rep as capable of completion, working towards 3 OTM for 10:00.

Then (+)

Every :20 8 AbMat Sit Up, Rest :10 x8 rounds. 11X1

~ Set up with the soles of your feet touching, knees out in a butterfly position. Touch both

hands behind head on the ground at the bottom and beyond your feet at the top of each rep.

- You will continue this until completion of the EMOM above.


Tabata Sorensen Hold. Set the GHD up so that the pad is under your hips. Extend out parallel

to the ground and hold for :20, then rest :10 x8. XXX20

~ Rx is staying parallel to the ground the entire time.

- Start with your body weight only and add incrementally 10# as capable of completion.

Then (+)

(Assisted) GH Raise. Set up the GHD so that your hips are off of the pad and your knees can

press into the pad when bent at a 90 deg angle. Descend with your back flat until you are

parallel to the ground completely extended, taking :03 to reach the bottom. Explosively flex

through your posterior all the way back to a 90 deg angle. 31X1 2x10

~ If you can complete a GH Raise without any assistance, do so, but if this is not an option,

ask a partner to assist you from the parallel position by pushing in your hands. Rx is to keep

your body in a straight line from your knee crease to your shoulders. We don't want the hips

leading this movement.

- Add 1 set as capable of completion, working towards 4x10

*same rules from Step 1 apply ~ position and confidence

TUT: Pull Ups from beginning to completion ~ 4x4 (1:36) 6x6 (3:36) and 3x5 (1:00) 6x5 (2:00) ~


Ring Rows from beginning to completion ~ 10x5 (2:30) 10x10 (5:00) and 3x10 (2:30) ~ 7:30

Dips from beginning to completion ~ 10x1 (:30) 10x3 (1:30) and 3x10 (2:30) ~ 4:00

Abs from beginning to completion ~ 10x1 (:30) 10x3 (1:30), 8x8 (3:12) ~ 4:42

Back from beginning to completion ~ 1x8 (2:40) and 2x10 (1:20) 4x10 (2:40) ~ 5:20

Step 5: After reaching the max sets/reps in step 4, then...

Pull Up:

Banded Pull-Up, utilizing the lightest band you can manage. Perform 3x5 banded pull ups,

taking :01 to pull up, holding for :01 at the top with your elbows squeezed down towards your

back, and taking :02 to descend. 2111.

~ The goal is to follow the tempo in a smooth manner. Think about pulling the bar under your

chin vs your chin over the bar. This will help ensure that you aren't chicken-necking over.

~ Add 1 rep as capable of completion, working towards 3x10. Once you have reached 10 reps,

come back down to 5 reps and add a set utilizing a lighter band. Add a rep as capable,

working towards 4x10. Once you have reached 10 reps, come back down to 5 and add a set

utilizing a lighter band yet. Work towards 5x10.

Then (+)

Jumping chin ups. Jump to the bar, maintaining a hollow position, and pull with your hands in a

supine (facing you) position until your chin is over the bar and hold for :01. Come back down

over :02, release the bar and repeat. 2XX1

~ The goal is to keep the concentric (pull up) portion smooth, 4x4

- Add 1 set and rep as capable of completion, working towards 6x6

*same rules from Step 1 apply ~ position and confidence

Ring Rows: Same set-up rules apply from Step 1.

Banded Muscle Ups. Set up a band that you can sit in. Utilizing a false grip, extend your arms

as completely as you can, put your legs in a "L" position out in front of you, feet together, toes

pointed. Turn your hands out prior to bringing them back in to the neutral position, and row the

rings to as deep of a point on your rib cage as you are capable, then turn over and finish the

MU with a dip. X121 3x1.

~ The goal is to complete a controlled but assisted strict MU.

- Add 1 rep as capable, working towards 3x3.

Then (+)

Supine grip row on a barbell starting at 21X2

~ Set a barbell up on a rack so that while hanging from it with a supine grip with your feet on a

box, your feet are above your head. Row the barbell to your sternum 3x8.

- Add set as capable until 5x8.

Rest at least 1:00 rest between all sets

Dips: Same set-up rules apply from Step 1.

Complete 1 strict weighted ring dip EMOM for 10:00. 11X1

~ The goal is to maintain a hollow position throughout the movement, feet together, with the

weight between your feet or knees, toes pointed, and elbows tight to your sides.

- Start light and add weight after reaching 3 reps OTM

- Add 1 rep as capable of completion, working towards 3 OTM for 10:00.

Then (+)

Boxed MU Transition. Set up boxes so that with your body in a hollow position, resting on your

elbows, forearms and hands planted flat, your feet are off the floor. From here, rotate forward

so that you are off of your forearms and in a dip position with your hands flat. Press up from

here to full extension to finish in a hollow position. Reverse the action to get back to the start.

3x3 2111

~ The goal here is to maintain a hollow position and transition explosively from forearms to the

bottom of the dip.

- Add 1 rep as capable of completion, working towards 3x5



Complete 1 Strict Toes To Ring, holding only 1 ring with both hands. EMOM for 10:00. 11X1

~ The goal here is to keep your movement as strict as possible with your feet together and toes

pointed from beginning to end.

- Add 1 rep as capable of completion, working towards 3 OTM for 10:00.

Then (+)

Every :20 4 GHD Sit Ups rest :10 x8 rounds. 11X1

~ Set up with hips just over the fulcrum of the GHD. Touch both hands behind head on the

ground at the bottom and beyond your feet to the pads at the top of each rep.

~ The goal here is explosive movement and full range of motion along your midline.

- You will continue this until completion of the EMOM above, adding 1 rep as capable.


Tabata Weighted Sorensen Hold. Set the GHD up so that the pad is under your hips. Extend

out parallel to the ground, holding a free weight at your chest, and hold for :20 then rest :10 x8.


~ Rx is staying parallel to the ground the entire time.

- Start with your body weight only and add incrementally 10# as capable of completion.

Then (+)

Weighted GH Raise. Set up the GHD so that your hips are off of the pad and your knees can

press into the pad when bent at a 90 deg angle. Descend with your back flat until you are

parallel to the ground, completely extended, taking :03 to reach the bottom. Explosively flex

through your posterior all the way back to a 90 deg angle, holding a free weight at your chest.

31X1 2x10

~ Start light and add weight only as capable without the hips leading this movement.

- Add 1 set as capable of completion, working towards 4x10

*same rules from Step 1 apply ~ position and confidence

TUT: Pull Ups from beginning to completion ~ 4x4 (1:36) 6x6 (3:36) and 3x5 (1:00) 6x5 (2:00) ~


Ring Rows from beginning to completion ~ 3x1 (:12) 3x3 (:36) and 3x8 (2:00) 5x8 (3:20) ~ 3:56

Dips from beginning to completion ~ 10x1 (:30) 10x3 (1:30) and 3x3 (:45) and 3x5 (1:15) ~ 2:45

Abs from beginning to completion ~ 10x1 (:30) 10x3 (1:30), 8x8 (3:12) ~ 4:42

Back from beginning to completion ~ 1x8 (2:40) and 2x10 (1:20) 4x10 (2:40) ~ 5:20

*We would love to see your first pull ups/muscle ups or your pull up/muscle up

rep PRs, so let us know when you feel ready so we can get it on film!*

Austin KeminkComment